Birmingham Bloomfield Soccer Club

16291 West Fourteen Mile Rd
Suite 6
Beverly Hills, MI 48025


On-line registration opens 12/15/18

2019 Spring Registration
U5-8th Grade

U5 through 8th Grade Registration

Instructions: A copy of the players birth certificate is required if they are new to the BBSC. Please send to BBSC, 16291 W. 14 Mile, Ste. 6, Beverly Hills, MI 48025 (248) 644-2255
** Season Dates: Games begin 4/27 and end 6/9; notification of team assignment will occur after 4/9.
**League Fees: $125 per player via online registration ($135 per player via mail-in form) Make check payable to BBSC or register online at Registrations received without proper payment will be returned. Refund policy available online.
**Deadline: 3/1/2019. Registrations postmarked after 3/1/2019 deadline will be considered late.
**Late Registration: $145; NO special requests for late registrations. Late registrants will be placed on wait list in order received. Checks will be returned if player is not assigned to a team by second game of the season. Once a late registration is placed there are no refunds.
** NO JEWERLY allowed during games or practices.

printer-friendly Spring 2019 Registration Form

2019 Spring Registration -
2 � - 4 year olds
TOT Program

3 - 4 Year Old Tot Program Registration

Instructions: A copy of the players birth certificate is required if they are new to the BBSC. Please send form to BBSC, 16291 W. 14 Mile, Ste. 6, Beverly Hills, MI 48025 before the first session.
**League Fees: $75 per player via online registration ($80) per player via mail-in form) Make check payable to BBSC or register online at Registrations received without proper payment will be returned.
**Deadline: March 1, 2019, or before if program reaches the 30 player per session max.
**Late Registration: Late registrants will be placed in program if space allows. Checks will be returned if program is full. Please check our refund policy online.
**Eligibility: All players must be 2 � years old by 3/1/19. (Born after 8/1/2016).

printer-friendly Spring 2019 TOT Registration Form

Office Hours
Regular office hours will resume mid - February.
Inquiries should be emailed to [email protected]

Upcoming Dates
12/15 on-line registration opens
3/1 registration closes
4/9 coach meeting at BBSC office, 5:30 - 7
4/22 practices start
4/27 games begins
4/27 Tot program begins
6/9 season ends

Concussion Legislation

The State of Michigan has enacted Concussion Legislation (Michigan Public Acts 342 and 343 of 2012 or MCL 333.9155 and 333.9156). Please read the below concussion information and both the player and parent/guardian need to sign and return to the office. If registering online, you will sign electronically during the registration process. Click here to learn more on concussions.

No Jewelry Allowed In Soccer

Taping does not make jewelry safe.  MedicAlert bracelets or similar item allowed but must be taped with medallion showing


Partners of BBSC
  ARMADILLO Printwear Bloomfield Sports Shop